What is meant by the use of a single media type materials, such as humus andam, raw husks, or cocopeat. In the homeland, Dr Benny Tjia, practitioners ornamental plant in Bogor, using cocopeat media. Coco powder was capable of holding water in quantity and time. Pore structure with high catch and hold water. Will fit the decorative medium caladium damp. Moreover, coir dus-other-name easy to obtain and relatively cheap.
Generally, the degree of acidity of coir dust close to 6, while the medium caladium grow well at pH between 6.5 to 6.8 was. At nearly neutral conditions that could absorb nutrients more available plants such as nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, and sulfur. To neutralize the pH, Benny mixed it with lime dolomite. Every one cubic media added 2 kg of dolomite.
Gunawan Widjaja in Sentul, Bogor, using the media andam humus. According to Wijaya's nursery owners, quickly exit the root caladium and faster plant growth although not in the fertilizer. Fair if it thrives aglaonema relatives. Humus has a high nitrogen content which stimulate vegetative growth. Humus mycelium composed of lignin, poliuronida, and C, H, O, S, and P. Organic materials that can improve nutrient available to plants, such as Ca, Mg and K. High humus absorption, 80-90% of the weight. That way, the media remain damp so that the caladium not dormant.
In Cisarua, Trubus watch Thai caladium purplish red thrives even only use raw rice husk media. Section, raw husks are able to make good aeration of the media. According to Lanny Linga, Seederama nursery owners, the use of 100% raw husks fit in the garden located on the plateau. Where high humidity. Conversely areas with low humidity, such as Jakarta, quick dry husk, unable to hold much water. As a result of water shortages caladium, its growth was not optimal, and even dormant.
Therefore, in hot regions, the use of raw husks should not single. As the mixture maksumal 25% of the total volume. It's just avoid that contain elements of Mn fertilization. For raw husks have a high content of silicate and manganese. media control to the degree of acidity is not under 5. at pH, the availability of Mn that can be absorbed plant increases. As a result of heavy metal poisoning caladium it so that root and leaf cells Araceae family members were damaged.
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