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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Caladiums are tropical foliage plants

Caladiums are tropical foliage plants
Caladiums are tropical foliage plants that provide a splash of color in summer flower beds. They grow well in shaded areas, containers, hanging baskets, and as borders.

You can add drama to any landscape with the addition of caladiums. Their brightly-colored leaves, in shades of red, pink, white and green, are perfect in a grouping or as an accent for other plants.

Make Sure the Soil is Warm Before Planting Caladiums

"The most important factor when planting caladiums is temperature," explains Noel Durrant, owner of Caladium World in Sebring, FL. "Ideally the night temperature should be 68 degrees or warmer on a consistent basis before planting caladiums." She says caladiums that are planted when nights are cool are very slow to germinate, even if you are having 80 degree day time temperatures.

Proper Watering is Important to Healthy Caladium Plants

Caladiums should be kept moist during germination, without allowing the soil to become soggy. Cool nights and excessive moisture can cause a bulb to rot. Durrant points out that once a caladium breaks ground it is easy to tell when to water as they will droop very easily if thirsty.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tips to remain fertile caladium

Tips to remain fertile caladium
Tips to remain fertile caladium

1. Sprinkling

Watering performed 2-3 days once in the dry season.

In the rainy season reduced the frequency sprinkling.

2. Fertilization

Give a high nitrogen fertilizer grades. N elements stimulate vegetative growth. When using fertilizer later explained, such as Star Dekastar and Asri, sprinkle when planting. However, if the use of fertilizers and quickly explained Growmore Hyponex eg, given 2 weeks after planting. Furthermore, fertilizing every 2-3 week in the rainy season, dry season, 4-6 week.

3. Loose planting medium

Media is a mixture of soil with humus, cocopeat, husk fuel, composting. 1:1 comparison. Or using 100% organic ingredients.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Caladium is not Always Harmful
For the breeders of ornamental plants, it is not always detrimental to dormancy. Sleep period can be utilized so that the next growth period can have a number of leaf caladium a lot. The trick is very easy. Removed from the planting medium caladium then placed in a clean, dry container. Tubers are then placed in the shade and cool. Allowed to emerge the little caladium.

The first shoots that appear must be cut with the help of a sterile knife. The goal that does not inhibit subsequent shoot growth. Cutting these buds will stimulate the growth of other buds in greater numbers. After that, caladium tubers can be planted into a medium that contains a lot of organic material. Approximately two weeks later, the

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Caladium Because less water

Caladium Because less water

In an advantageous environment, taro grow normally and accumulate food reserves in the tuber. Thus, the organ in the land other than serve as a breeding are also useful as a warehouse storage of food reserves. The larger the tuber, the taro can have a longer sleep time as well.

Should immediately overcome dormancy. Therefore, the amount of food reserves are limited in the barn. If plants are too old to dormancy, plants that you have feared going to die.

Many ornamental plants devotee thinks that he has taro was dead. So no wonder if the devotee is then dismantle and dispose of her favorite plants. In fact, the plant is actually still alive. Only he does not remove the leaf to the ground.

There are many causes that can trigger your taro plants become dormant. Weather conditions which do not support and care methods that are not really able to stimulate dormant plants do. According to Jalil Yumal. F, the staff of Adelia Nursery, kaladium experienced dormancy during the dry season. Or it could be if the plants get a ration of less watering.

Conditions of water shortage can be overcome by doing a lot of watering frequency. In addition, planting media should also be mixed in a way that could hold water in sufficient quantities, and in the long term.

Jalil suggested planting media should kaladium contains many organic materials. Growing media such cocopeat blended with raw materials, shell ash and manure. Each comparison is 1: 1: 1. In addition to well capable of storing water, growing media, such as it is too loose. Growing media is too hard and solid could also trigger a dormant caladium.

Jalil overcome caladium dormant in the way make reepotting. Caladium tubers are removed from the pot. Before planting, the roots of Araceae family plants are soaked first in condensation of stimulants or hormones. Soaking was done for 15 minutes. Jalil trademark use of hormones to stimulate the growth of wholesale happy caladium tubers are dormant.

If all is done, caladium can be planted in many new tanama media containing organic material. Time hormone solution is splashed in the growing media. Planting medium should be damp conditions. After that pot disugkup using transparent plastic. The aim is to retain moisture. Kaladium are then put in place a shady (tend to be dark) and cool. Approximately 1-2 weeks later, shoot caladium is grown. You can move the plants into a single pot if caladium leaves already have as many as 3-4 pieces. Or after age 2 months.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Media Not Infertile Caladium Asleep

Media Not Infertile Caladium Asleep
Although invisible to grow above the ground level, do not waste your own triggers. Perhaps these plants were undergoing a long period of sleep. Give perlekuan order caladium could rise and flourish again.

Caladium enchantment lies in its leaves. Caladium leaves have many shades. And with contrasting colors and flashy. But unfortunately this plant is widely known as a difficult plant to produce leaves in large quantities simultaneously. Even in unfavorable environmental conditions and improper handling can cause the body strike caladium experience.

The period of sleep or strike grows as it is often also referred to as dormant. In his native habitat, taro is often done dormancy as one of the main ways to survive in unfavorable environmental conditions. For instance, temperature and radiation are not appropriate. Lack of nutrients and water.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

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