Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Mixed Media
In addition to single media, caladium also grow well in the media mix. In Thailand from 12 nurseri the disambangi Trubus land-use mix media with leaf litter terkomposkan beans. What differs is only the composition, of 2:1 or 1:1. His superiority, make current drainage and aeration, so fertile and caladium growing rapidly.
A caladium decorative planters in Jakarta using three mixed media, raw rice husk, rice husk firewood, bamboo leaves and topsoil that has been filtered, one part each. Before use, he was steaming a mixture of these media for 30 minutes so sterile, so free of bacteria and fungi attack. Husks of crude and fuel was selected because the media makes good aeration. Meanwhile, bamboo leaf humus and nutrients play a role as a provider of water storage at the same time so that the media remain damp.
However, the use of fuel and humus bamboo husks should be extra careful. Therefore, the ruined husk fuel can be very dense. As a result, the porosity is reduced so that the roots disturbed. While bamboo leaf compost moisture levels only temporary, until the first leaf growth. Impact, planters should be diligent to add or replace the media.
Other media, mixed grilled cocopeat and husks. That's a look at the Anti nurseri Trubus, Ciawi, and garden belonging in Ciapus Ulih Sunardi, Bogor. Ulih also uses mixed media and humus andam and calothyrsus with 3:2 ratio. The result caladium growing up healthy and bright colors.
Nun in Sri Lanka, three planters met Trubus put on sandy soil as media mainstay. Pale brown sand fines such as sand beaches. Beneficial soil water needed to tie it aglaonema relatives. While the sand makes the media crumb texture, so that good aeration. Caladium grew lush and leafy.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Single Media

What is meant by the use of a single media type materials, such as humus andam, raw husks, or cocopeat. In the homeland, Dr Benny Tjia, practitioners ornamental plant in Bogor, using cocopeat media. Coco powder was capable of holding water in quantity and time. Pore structure with high catch and hold water. Will fit the decorative medium caladium damp. Moreover, coir dus-other-name easy to obtain and relatively cheap.
Generally, the degree of acidity of coir dust close to 6, while the medium caladium grow well at pH between 6.5 to 6.8 was. At nearly neutral conditions that could absorb nutrients more available plants such as nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, and sulfur. To neutralize the pH, Benny mixed it with lime dolomite. Every one cubic media added 2 kg of dolomite.
Gunawan Widjaja in Sentul, Bogor, using the media andam humus. According to Wijaya's nursery owners, quickly exit the root caladium and faster plant growth although not in the fertilizer. Fair if it thrives aglaonema relatives. Humus has a high nitrogen content which stimulate vegetative growth. Humus mycelium composed of lignin, poliuronida, and C, H, O, S, and P. Organic materials that can improve nutrient available to plants, such as Ca, Mg and K. High humus absorption, 80-90% of the weight. That way, the media remain damp so that the caladium not dormant.

In Cisarua, Trubus watch Thai caladium purplish red thrives even only use raw rice husk media. Section, raw husks are able to make good aeration of the media. According to Lanny Linga, Seederama nursery owners, the use of 100% raw husks fit in the garden located on the plateau. Where high humidity. Conversely areas with low humidity, such as Jakarta, quick dry husk, unable to hold much water. As a result of water shortages caladium, its growth was not optimal, and even dormant.
Therefore, in hot regions, the use of raw husks should not single. As the mixture maksumal 25% of the total volume. It's just avoid that contain elements of Mn fertilization. For raw husks have a high content of silicate and manganese. media control to the degree of acidity is not under 5. at pH, the availability of Mn that can be absorbed plant increases. As a result of heavy metal poisoning caladium it so that root and leaf cells Araceae family members were damaged.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Media of Concoction Caladium

Caladium roots need lots of oxygen in the soil. The bigger the root, the more oxygen is needed, especially for cell growth next. It's natural to prefer caladium porous media. With a hollow structure of the media, the circulation of air and drainage run smoothly. Also the media is also required to damp and wet.
In essence, the media should be to save water and not easy to condense. Solid media causing stagnant water so that the low air aeration. Symptoms appear, the leaves and stems wither. Healthy roots are white and have fine hairs. If aeration is low, white roots turned brown and then black. Reduced the number of root hair was not even there. Yet it serves to absorb nutrients. In addition to aeration problems, solid media are also invited bacteria and fungi causing decay.
The role of media is very aware of the planters caladium. Of coverage in three Countries Trubus, media selection based on the pegaruh climate, availability of raw materials, and conformity with the needs of caladium. As a result, 21 planters in Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka using different media. Each has its own media for growing herbs aglaonema's relatives.
Although different in the three countries, but caladium remain fertile body, excellence, and look stunning. Secret of his success lies in the composition of raw materials and selected media. If grouped, selected media, consisting of single and mixed mediai.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Near with More Caladium

In addition to beauty, some type of caladium believed to cure disease. Burkill, in a book called A Dictionary Of The Economic Products Of the Malay Peninsula, says C. humboldtii, Schott (C. argyrites, Lem) jujal in many Chinese herbal shops.
C. humboldtii also often used as breeders by the penyilang to produce a mini-leaved caladium. Not only that, C. bicolor and C. hortulanom made diligent breeders to produce new kinds. Now it presents a new hybrid varieties graced the stock of ornamental plants in the ground water.
History records caladium ancestors originated from Amazon forest and temperate regions of South America Tropical. Call it Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Panama, Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica, of Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, and Venezuela. Although originating from the Americas, but cultivation was first performed in Europe in the era of 1700.
In the journal of University of Florida, Robert A. DeFilipps, Shirley L. Maina, and Juliette Crepin said caladium into Continental Europe in 1704. At that time C. bicolor (Aiton) Vent from Suriname sent to the Amsterdam Botanic Garden, the Netherlands. Planters were interested in crossing. The result, obtained 1500 new varieties. Until now Europe's caladium planting expanded to 688 ha. Preferred is a lively and leaved caladium patterned width.
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